Are you ready to move through the world without the weight of others’ expectations?

To feel the full spectrum of your emotions, unchecked by fear?

It's your moment to claim what's been yours all along—your desires, your journey, your freedom.


In the past had you experienced…

  • An abundance of emotions that brimmed to the surface and spilled over into spaces where serenity and peace once resided?

  • Debilitating anxiety, causing your body to revolt. You had “random pains”, experienced unknown injuries or even fell sick more often?

  • Biting your tongue to not start an argument?

  • A silent rift between you and the warmth of connection you once knew with those around you.

  • Or maybe, you had felt the overwhelming feeling of responsibility and had been spending time taking care of others that you had reached a point of depletion.

All of this because you didn’t trust yourself, your intuition and your emotions to lead you. You stayed in your mind and not in your body.

The truth is, staying in your head… it's affecting you, your emotions, your family, your business (wealth) and even your health!

The good news is that this can all change.


I hear you! 

This can be a challenging uncomfortable journey when you are not prepared or have a safe space to express yourself. I lived like that every day and now I am living proof that these emotions and experiences can be felt and moved through with ease and grace. 

What I see for you is a life that's not weighed down by the overwhelming rollercoaster of emotions or the crazy ups and downs that life throws at us. Instead, a life filled with clarity, where your feelings aren't obstacles, but rather, guides that illuminate paths to deeper understanding and experiences. A life where you ride the waves, with each one being a stepping stone that helps you fully embrace the spectrum of your existence.

I see you living in complete joy, having energy and connection to your life and purpose on a daily basis.

Are you READY to…

~ kick those low vibrations and past stories to the curb?

~ wake up finding yourself filled with energy and excitement?

~ notice and understand those emotional waves and let them ride out with more love for yourself than ever before?

Well, when you change your vibration and frequency to one that you are continuously expanding and experiencing you reach a whole new level of bliss. A world where you emotions and vibration is a priority. A new upleveled self care routine where you nuture your body, mind and soul to give yourself the love, compassion and understanding that you had given to others in the past.

You will achieve all this and more, because when you uplevel, everyone and everything you interact with changes around you. A whole new aligned you is ready to be born!

I see you…

  • meeting those lower vibrations and emotions with love, ease, grace and compassion. I see you achieving balance between your self care and family responsibilities

  • calibrating to a new version of yourself where you say YES to what really matters and NO to the things that have brought those low vibrations.

  • Setting healthy boundaries especially with communication and love.  

Because the truth is we don’t have to experience frustration and anger on the daily.  You can have that peaceful joyful life you have always dreamed of.  

Because the truth is it possible and so easy to attain when you have a simple easy framework to follow

Because the truth is you get to put yourself first and as you change your vibrations through the Law of Vibration everything else will change an uplevel around you.

So who am I, and what is ALCHEMIZE going to do for you?

Hi! I’m Christin!

ALCHEMIZE was created for you, because I was once there too. Constantly frustrated, thinking it was someone or something else that was causing the pain and the trigger.  But the truth was it was all within me and I had the ability to change. 

On paper my life was pretty amazing.  I had worked for one of the top 4 accounting firms in the world, was responsible for world-wide training of a customer success team. I bought my own 4 bedroom house, worked from home with my puppy dog and was making over 6 figures annually.

My job was fulfilling, or so I thought. My finances were in great shape and I was able to travel the world to see clients and take multiple vacations per year. My friendships were strong and even had unlimited paid time off.

But my body was trying to tell me something. I was burnt out, stressed out, having panic attacks and migraines constantly.

Yes, I was financially successful. But something was missing. One bad relationship after another. Trying hard to help others (friends, family, coworkers) was draining me. When the weekend came I either wanted to drink or sleep.

I felt stressed every single time the phone rang.

·    What do they want now!?!?!

·       How am I even going to be able to help them???

·       There goes my night…guess I won’t be getting my personal things done!

I saw I was living a life I was NOT completely and utterly IN JOY with. I saw a life I was constantly running from or reacting to. Not one that I was creating for me.

I saw my friends and co-workers send their kids to school (grade school and college) where they had no idea what they were doing with their lives. What do they do now that they have all this freedom and free time? What do they even do for fun? Who do they spend their time with?

One thing I learned, to have a conscious amazing relationship I needed to love myself first. I needed to know who I am before diving into any other relationship. It was time to learn to really love me…so I don’t give that up for ANYONE else.

I was ready to learn again, but this time to learn about my strengths, my likes and dislikes. To trust and understand what my body was telling me where there was emotion was an opportunity to learn something different.  It was a way for me to uplevel and vibrate at the frequency I wanted. I was ready to live IN my JOY each and every day.

I use to think money, especially a high paying job was the most important, despite sacrificing my health and vitality. What I came to realize was when I put my health, vitality, boundaries and self love first it transcended all areas of my life.

What I was searching for on the exterior was a holistic and radical shift in myself. I was able to shift my frequency so much that everyone, and everything around me had shifted too.

I decided to choose me

I decided to choose me. My most vital step and courageous act was quitting my 9-5 to follow my dreams and move to Maui, Hawaii. I stepped out of my comfort zone, out of the societal norms and chose to live a slower more connected life. I immersed myself with the luscious landscape, the gentleness of the ocean, the subtle yet magical sunsets. I’d wake up earlier without an alarm clock, make decisions that brought me happiness and joy each day. 

As a byproduct of these lifestyle changes, the stress disappeared, the migraines became non-existent and I felt fulfilled and empowered in each decision I made. It was a 180 of the burnt out overstressed lifestyle I had been living. My days start with connecting to myself and nature, becoming present in my life and living each day IN JOY.

I was called to create this course to guide others to start to experience the joy that life has to offer each and every day. So you can step fully into your dreams - That’s what I see for you!

To experience the joy life has to offer you each and every day.

It’s time to release the energetic and emotional shackles that had been holding you back. Let go of the I have to attitudeand move into the I choose to attitude Move into the freedom and abundance of joy by doing the things you love to do and attracting those in your life that help you get there!


You don’t need to see it as clearly as I do right now, I can see it for you!

You can live the life you dream of!

Are you ready?

Let’s face it,

If you continue to say yes to things that are actually compromising your values and your needs you start to build up a lot of resentment. It may look like: 

  • An explosion of anger when your partner won’t look up from their phone

  • Losing patience with others when you have to repeat yourself with simple requests again and again

  • Or maybe your health is taking a toll.  Yes, I am talking to you with back or neck pain and migraines! 

    • And these pains just seem to show up out of nowhere, especially before an event at work or home, except for the fact you had a fight (or choose to hold it in) when your partner made you mad the night before.

  • Not speaking up for what you believe, so it becomes harder to stand up for your values, desires and beliefs

  • You reach that “final” argument where it set you over the edge and you start to think you are in a relationship with someone you barely recognize because you haven't been seen, heard or respected in months (or years)

  • You continue to spend time at important events helping the other person feel seen, heard and secure, when all you truly want to do is enjoy the holidays, vacation or special event

so you decide to join ALCHEMIZE


Just imagine what it would feel like…

  • To have 100% confidence that you stand in your values as an individual person and easily make decisions on what is best for you from this place

  • To celebrate the emotions for showing up

  • To know what you and your body need to move forward especially making tough decisions

  • To not rely on others to understand your emotions

  • To be able to go within to release the stress, anxiety and overwhelm of emotions

  • To raise and keep your vibration and frequency high on a daily basis.

  • To feel younger in your body, where you physical pains start to disappear as you re-align yourself

  • To become the magnet for all your life’s desires!

What changes in your life? How does your health change? How does your wealth change? How does your family change? How does your relationship with your partner change?

I'm here to help you be seen, be respected, be recognized and to have control over your emotions.  Allowing you to trust in yourself and your decisions.  I care about how you communicate how you show up in your relationships because how you show up here is how you show up everywhere in your life.  And since we are just one small fish in a very big pond, we can create lots of ripples together.  

You are fully expressing your desires and values to everyone around you.  

THIS…This is what it is like raise your FREQUENCY!

ready to alchemize?

What my Clients Say…

Not sure if this is for yoU…

What you get:

  • 8 Weeks of Recorded Lessons, Meditations & More

    • Each week you receive (1) one pre-recorded module. It may include but is not limited to lessons, meditations, homework exercises or group energy healings. For a total of (8) eight modules throughout this container. (Valued at over $2,600)

    • Modules start dropping March 4th, if you join after March 4th you will receive 1 module each week until complete.

  • 3 LIVE Group Calls with Christin

    • There will be (3) three live GROUP Q&A coaching calls.  I know how it is to take a course and then have questions when you start making changes to your life.  So these calls give you time to implement each session and to submit questions. Or you can ask live questions if time permits. (Valued at over $2,000)

    • From previous sessions and experience. When someone has a question there are others in the group with similar ones. Therefore asking in the group format is a great way to journey together and learn from each other in a safe container.

    • Calls are recorded and added to your vault of content.

    • Call dates and times to be determined to accommodate time zones and attendees.

  • BONUS - When you pay in full (value over $400)

    • Receive Reawaken Your Dreams Masterclass

    • Receive Reclaim Your Power Masterclass

    • Receive Superhero Powers - Integrity & Energy Clearing/Healing

    • Receive Surrender - The Art of Letting Go Masterclass

    • One (1) Group Energy Healing (limited to 5 people)

  • YES, when you purchase today…. YOU GET ALL THIS for under $900!

    • Savings of over $2,000!

Optional Upgrade

Accelerator VIP Option

In our special journey together, I'm excited to offer you the 'VIP Accelerator' – a series of four bi-weekly 1:1 sessions, each lasting 90 minutes. It's not just coaching; think of it as a soulful alliance where we'll explore your world and combines coaching and energy healing modalities. This will assist you in integrating the teachings from the modules. This is for the courageous ones, those who dare to weave magic into their lives today. Embrace the VIP Accelerator, it's not just a step but a dance towards unlocking your true self, moving through life's rhythms with grace and speed. If your heart yearns for a magnificent existence, join me now for less than the price of my coaching packages! (limited space available)

Why choose me…

…Because I have been there and survived

…so can you

I get it, trusting your body and emotions can be daunting especially if the ego or others thoughts and opinions are getting in the way.  Being in relationship is already daunting, but one where you are fully committed to yourself your trust and your intuition can be hard in the beginning when it doesn’t have to be. Because it should not be at the expense of your values, boundaries or well being. I know all to well what happens when I gave my power over to mentors and relationships. It was like my life was falling apart in all areas and my emotions were taking me on one heck of a roller coaster ride. Now I know what to do to bring it all into balance and change that frequency with ease and grace and I know is possible for you too!

Email for any additional questions