Energy Alchemist & Prosperity Coach

I empower burnt out, stressed out, anxiety driven individuals to step into the life of their dreams changing your patterns, releasing old ancient hurt and trauma so you connect from a place of power and confidence. You no longer sacrifice your boundaries, thoughts or opinions to save your relationships, friendships or career. You know without a shadow of a doubt who you are and what you bring to this world.


You have a vision for your future …

and it does not look like your current reality.

Currently you are:

  • Struggling to put work down at the end of the day, or weekend (newsflash -> yes, you absolutely can without guilt!)

  • Juggling all the things - work, significant other, kids and let’s not forget about the pets and trying to stay afloat and on-top of it all —-let alone take some time for yourself.

  • Find yourself talking to colleagues, scrolling LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook watching success stories from others, questioning where did it all go wrong? What did you miss? Will you ever be happy again?

  • Know you are ready to really experience life and not getting a case of the Mondays, if you only you knew HOW….

    • How to stop overworking and people pleasing?!?

    • How to create time for the things you love and the people you love?!?!

    • How you can take a GUILT FREE vacation!?!?!?

    • How you can actually have some time for self-care??? (and not just a bubble bath)

And the truth is

  • No amount of rest is going to make this better for you until you address the root cause

  • You are capable of living your dream life

  • One where you tap into your desires, spend more time with family, doing things you enjoy

    Yes! You can remove the beliefs no longer serving you (I have to work hard for money, I’m the only one who can do this, If I don’t finish then who will?, I’m never seen for the amount of work I put in…)

  • Yes, You can go from completely burnout and stressed to having clear communication, less expectations and be in a more peaceful happy state of mind.

You are only steps away…are you ready?


Hi, I’m Christin!

Through my different coaching and healing methodologies of combining Neuroscience (habits and limiting decisions work), Nature (plants and animals help us to that bigger understanding) and Spirituality (tapping into your own wisdom). I help you go from being stressed, burnt-out, stuck, and trying to control or resist everything to knowing you are meant to experience all that life has to offer you. I help you to step into your dream life, feel peace, calm and happiness and to take that guilt free vacation.

It’s time for you to remove the past beliefs, decisions and fears that have been holding you back. It’s time to take your power back with loving communication, boundaries and life experiences aligned to your values. I am here to help you to tap into your desires and become that magnet for your life experiences.