Energy Healing Courses


What is Energy Healing?

Energy Healing has a wide variety of modalities and as I have learned some from courses and from my own practices, I have come to a conclusion that we all have these abilities within us. We have the ability to utilize this energy for ourselves (and others) when we desire.

I am a certified Reiki Master, but have also learned a lot of different modalites from around the world. It is my pleasure to share these techniques with you in a simple easy format.

Some courses require attunements, like Reiki. Therefore they are LIVE classes. However, there are some classes that are a la carte. These particular classes are great for everyone and give you a basic understanding of the techniques and knowledge.

Simple easy to follow videos and handouts are included. So you can refer back to the content at any time.

I will continue to add resources and courses, so make sure to check back…and don’t hesitate to email if you are looking for something specific.

Energy Cleansing & Protection

Everything is energy. Everything and everyone we interact with leaves some sort of an imprint on us. Just like a snail leaves a trail along the sidewalk.

The reality is some of those imprints are good and some of them well not so good. You may notice yourself getting tired after you went to the store or got off the call with a friend.

But if you take a moment and use the techniques in this on-demand masterclass, you will notice it was just energy and you can gain back your energy in an instant.

Plus, through years of studying with different healers there are some pretty special ways to protect your energy in the future. As a Bonus I include an Intro to the Clairs (value $44.00)

This is a prerequisite for any energy healing modality certification. Current Investment $88.00


What courses are coming next

At the moment I have been putting together an advanced chakras cleansing techniques class. I am looking at also working with other healers to provide some additional experience with other modalities to have in one place for my clients.

Stay tuned for updates

If you are looking for Reiki 1, 2, or Master please email for upcoming dates

AS YOUR HEALER and energy alchemist - i WANT YOU TO KNOW

Each person has their own gifts. Some people can see, sense, feel, hear or know. I feel when I am working on your energetic body. I feel through my hands and sometimes even my own body.

It is my mission to help you become the best healer you desire. Whether that is just to heal yourself, your family or to make a career out of this. The techniques I teach in my basic courses will help everyone uplevel and change their vibrations.

I’m not here to put you in a box, I am here to help you trust and expand in your own intuition. So think of me as your cheerleader guiding you with some principles along the way.

We are all unique and I enjoy getting to know each persons gifts as they step into them more. Who we help and even how we help shows up differently. Know this is all normal, you are not meant to see the same thing as someone who has vision or touch cognition. How we interpret this data along with the ethics and integrity of how we perform these modalities will make a difference in your wellbeing and trust.

I promise to hold the intention that only the highest vibrations of healing and teaching energy is used as well as at a rate and pace that your physical body can absorb. Know that some days we can receive more energy than others depending on our emotional and physical states. So don’t kick yourself if you need to relisten to any modules.

As your teacher I am here to answer questions as well. Note: Depending on the nature of some questions it may get added to a course for everyone, or you may be asked to book a session to dive into specifics.

when can i use an energy alchemy session?

Energy Alchemy can help heal physical, mental and emotional health. When we take the first step to heal ourselves and get out of the normal hustle and bustle of the day we are able to connect and let our systems heal ourselves, therefore helping our body. Therefore anytime is a good time for energy work.

Interested in pursing energy healing or energy alchemy courses?

Start with Energy Protection & Cleansing Today!