Embodying Divine Sisterhood

Over the last year I had been cultivating and calling in very conscious and integral relationships with friends, family, to even the coaches that I hire. Although it was a big task, and not always an easy one.

I am so grateful for where I am from a year ago. Almost exactly a year ago, a former mentor would use her angels against me, telling me I was lying, and because of the way she talked to me, I believed I was in the wrong, maybe my truth wasn’t my truth. My world around me started crashing down, old relationships and friendship were falling away so fast it was a blurry mess.

Now I realize it all had to fall away because those friendships and relationships were not serving me anymore, I had given over my power to those relationships, those friendships for someone else’s truth. It was one big lesson in integrity, power, greed, jealousy and competition.

I’m on the other side of all this now, in a very neutral position with this past mentor and friend. My relationships with friends and family that were in my life then that are still a part of my present life completely shifted where I started to open my heart to receive their love. To fully express myself without worrying about if they would accept me and my truth. Because it was my truth afterall.

One of the people that came into my life then was Danikah Rose Naweli . Although we had a few sporadic sessions as I was hesitant to commit to her coaching at the time, she watched me shift and change from disempowered to empowered in a few months before we finally worked together. She continues to show me and accept me exactly how I am, and I can truly share with her my feelings knowing that she will not take it personally or judge me, and we can work through it together. I’m so grateful she was patient with me as I reclaimed my power.

The other person who came into my life was Jill Alanna Nixon and I couldn't be more grateful for her. Sharing her wisdom, her heart and fully supporting me in my own power from Day 1. She continues to show me day after day, how to unconditionally love ourselves, others and still have those boundaries with others to let them rise up too.

As women, we had been taught to talk about others, even shaming or guilting someone. And although we may know it is not right we had been in a default state. Finding ourselves in situations where gossip might have been present and wondering how we even got there. Even making decisions from places of competition of “I am better”.

And the truth is – all those thoughts, gossip, shame and judgement pulled us further apart. And we know now more than ever that we are here to grow in communities TOGETHER. To support each other and to love unconditionally – as that is the true healer.

Sooo…I am excited to announce that I am doing a Sisterhood Healing Masterclass – Competition is a Trap – with Jill Alanna Nixon who helped me shed these old layers of myself.

We are doing this on ZOOM from the Big Island with Pele’s amazing energy. The event will be on Sunday March 3rd at 2:30 PST (Click Here to Purchase) While it is a masterclass, there is also an energy healing portion as well as Jill's amazing activations for brining in those aligned sisters.

We’d love to have you there as we cultivate stronger bonds as women, we work through sisterhood wounds and more.

Thank you to all the supportive sisters who I have met on this journey. I am glad to be a cheerleader for you as you have been for me!

Cheers to sisterhood!